Speed: The Difference Between Bounce & Conversion

Any digital marketer knows that if your website doesn’t load quickly, your bounce rate is going to increase.

This means your clients are missing out on potential leads.

You want your clients to see an ROI on your digital marketing campaign spend, which means you want as many people to get in touch with them so they can turn them into a customer.

As agency owners, your clients invest a lot of time, effort and money into their website, and they need to make sure that there’s a real business benefit to that investment.

You don’t need to understand the ins and outs of marketing, website hosting or how it all works to know this – waiting for anything is annoying.

Traffic lights, tv commercials, even waiting for the kettle to boil.

People find it annoying to wait for things.

When it comes to websites – we are no different, if anything a little worse.

If a website takes longer than just a few seconds to load, your bounce rate increases fast, especially on mobile!

It’s no longer a question of if you’re missing out on leads, it’s how many leads you’re losing every second while your website loads.

How does website load speed affect conversions?

There are so many different factors that come into play that can influence somebody becoming a lead, from ad copy to the platform, the call to action and the landing page to name a few.

Even knowing all of that, there is no guarantee that someone is going to convert.

“It’s no longer a question of if you’re missing out on leads, it’s how many leads you’re losing every second while your website loads.”

But one thing that we do know…

If your website loads slowly, potential clients won’t wait long enough to see it load, they’ll be off talking to one of your competitors.

Studies have shown that a 1 second delay in load time will cause a 7% drop in conversions.

In addition these days most people are unlikely to wait more than about 3 or 4 seconds for a website to load.

That’s particularly true for younger people, and especially true for anyone using a mobile device.

If you’re in the business of building websites or marketing campaigns for your clients, then you must be taking website speed seriously or it’ll undermine your efforts constantly.

Benefits of fast website speeds

Website speed has a positive impact on almost every important metric for digital marketing.

  • Decreased bounce rate
  • Increased dwell time
  • Increased pageviews
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Improved organic rankings

What you can do about it

Fixing slow page load speeds is actually very easy to fix and takes very little effort on your part.

Our super-fast web hosting enables you to transfer your client sites, create a significant improvement in load speed, and immediately start improving bounce rate & increase conversions.

If you want to improve website load speeds for your clients, reach out to us today and discover how we can help you easily improve your agency hosting capabilities.

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