How Website Speed Can Make Or Break Client Campaigns

If you’re running any kind of digital marketing campaigns for your clients, then you probably understand that page load speed is extremely important.

A website which loads too slowly will destroy organic search engine rankings, increase bounce rate, punish your quality score in Google Ads, and drastically reduce your conversion rate.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the best digital marketing agency on the planet, if client web pages are loading too slowly, that’s bad for your client campaigns, and catastrophic for your agency.

The facts about page load speed

  • A 2-second delay in load speed can increase cart abandonment by 87%.
  • Google says that for every second a page takes to load, bounce rate increases by about 32%.
  • Google knows users hate slow websites, which is why organic rankings will get worse the slower your website is.

Basically the faster your landing pages load, the better off you’ll be!

Why page load speed has such a big impact

Instant gratification is nothing new.

People expect to get what they want instantly.

We want the answers to any question we have immediately and waiting is not an option.

Ever wonder how serious this really is though?

Every aspect of your client’s online presence is impacted by website load speed.

It can be the difference between them capturing a paying client and losing the customer to a competitor.

If landing pages are slow it will literally lose your conversions for your clients every single day.

Years ago we used to say that if you aren’t online, you don’t exist.

Nowadays if the client website loads too slowly, there isn’t too much of a difference.

Every knows that first impressions count, but if users don’t even see the website because it loaded too slowly, you don’t even get the opportunity to create that first impression.

What is the real-world impact of slow load speeds?

It’s all very well to talk about the theory of page load speed, but how will it impact your clients (and your agency) in the real world?

Slow load speeds & SEO campaigns

Google wants to make sure people have a good experience when they use their search engine.

That means that strong rankings are about more than good design & great quality content.

The average person will abandon a website if it hasn’t loaded in 2 seconds.

If you had 2 identical pages and one page loads in 2 seconds, and the other page loads in 8 seconds, that faster page will rank higher.

Google knows that people hate waiting for pages to load (especially on mobile) and that’s why page load speed is a significant ranking factor.

Slow load speeds & Facebook/Google Ads campaigns

When it comes to your paid ad campaigns, you’ll definitely see the negative effects of a slow loading website.

Facebook & Google are both concerned with user experience, and they can tell if people clicking on their ads are staying on a website or leaving before it loads.

What impact will that have?

Angry client
Nobody wants to deal with angry clients who’s campaigns aren’t converting.

Both ad platforms will punish you with higher costs to show ads to their users.

It’ll be more difficult to run a campaign that’s profitable for your clients because it’ll damage their bottom line.

If the campaigns aren’t profitable, then you’ll lose clients and your agency revenue will drop.

Or you’ll be forced to keep chasing after new clients to compensate for the ongoing client churn.

The easiest way to improve page load speeds

If you have an agency that runs digital campaigns for your clients then you need to nail page load speed.

But you also want to address it without having to be a genius at server optimisation and caching systems.


There’s no point ensuring that client web pages load super-fast, if it makes your marketing agency unprofitable in the process.

That why we created our super-fast web hosting platform which delivers an average load speed of 1.25 seconds and consistently beats competitor load speeds.

It’s like a secret weapon for marketing agencies since you can resolve client website speed issues simply by using our hosting, so you can get back to actually managing your client campaigns.

Not only that but it’s also extremely affordable, especially as we give you discounts as you onboard more of your agency clients into the platform.

Learn more about all the ways we make hosting easy and effective for digital marketing agencies.

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