Prevent Emails from going to SPAM, with DKIM, DMARC and SPF.

Since February 2024, Google and Yahoo have mandated that bulk email senders, dispatching over 5,000 messages a day, adopt DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) policies to ensure their emails are delivered. This move aims to bolster email security by mitigating spam and unauthorized email activities.

DMARC, along with SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), serves as a robust authentication framework designed to authenticate emails, thereby enhancing inbox placement and security. DMARC ensures that emails sent from a domain are authorized by the domain’s owner, using SPF and DKIM as mechanisms to verify the sender’s identity. It allows domain owners to specify how email receivers should handle emails that don’t pass these checks, effectively reducing the risk of email spoofing and phishing attacks ​​.

Configuring these settings is crucial for maintaining email integrity and trustworthiness. For Office 365 users, setting up DMARC involves creating a DMARC TXT record in your domain’s DNS and configuring SPF and DKIM records accordingly. The process includes identifying valid email sources for your domain, setting up SPF to verify these senders, configuring DKIM for an additional layer of security, and finally publishing a DMARC TXT record to enforce these authentication checks ​​​​.

For detailed guidance on configuring these settings in Office 365, Microsoft offers comprehensive steps to create and manage DMARC TXT records, including the syntax for these records and tips for monitoring and adjusting your DMARC policy . Additionally, DMARCLY provides a complete implementation guide for setting up DMARC, DKIM, and SPF in Office 365, highlighting the importance of these protocols in safeguarding your email communications from security threats​​.

Furthermore, PowerDMARC emphasizes the significance of implementing DMARC for Office 365 users, addressing common misconceptions about the built-in security features of Office 365 and illustrating the necessity of external efforts, such as DMARC, to protect your domain from outbound attacks and monitor email channels effectively​​.

For businesses using Google’s business mail, configuring DMARC and related settings is equally critical to ensuring your domain’s emails are authenticated and secure. By adhering to these guidelines and properly configuring DMARC, SPF, and DKIM, businesses can significantly enhance their email security posture, protect their brand, and ensure the integrity of their email communications.

For clients of Black Label Hosting, we’ve already provisioned your DMARC record for you as this adheres to a standard syntax. For DKIM and SPF records, more information on setting up these settings in Office 365 and GSuite can be found below:

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